Saturday, February 16, 2008

Qualifications for President

Now that everyone's favorite candidate for president has now wound up prematurely politically dead, I think it is time to plan for 2012.

I will vote, and I promise, without the least equivocation or mental reservation whatever, to actually vote, for any candidate for President of the United States who :

- Drives a pickup.

- Knows the value of a dollar because he's actually worked for one.

- Has never been divorced more times than absolutely necessary.

- Occasionally laughs, always means it when he does.

- Never drinks more beer in a night than he can lift.

- Owns a gun and knows which end to point.

- Knows that we can't tax our way to prosperity.

- Knows that we can't buy prosperity with a government check.

- Knows that the Founding Fathers are dead, but that common sense isn't.

- Understands that government isn't the solution, it's the problem.

- Doesn't trust Kentuckians because they're Northerners.

- Who always straightens his back when saluting the Stars & Stripes.

- Has either a son who plays football, or a yellow dog.

- Who isn't ashamed to be an American.

- Knows that there are people in the world that will stop at nothing
to repeat and outdo September 11th.

- Who doesn't believe in promises made by enemies.

- Who, whatever he does for prayer, has a deep respect for those who do.

- Who doesn't look like a jackass in a Stetson.

- Has done a day's work.


The King said...

Can I add... "Has the common sense to reject the notion of wearing a silly hat?"

Publius Connecticutiensis said...

Sir, you're talking about a Stetson...

The King said...

Well, yes. Stetson or not. Forget it. Anyone who sticks a feather in his cap aught to call it macaroni and leave it at that.